Lawrence Metal
Why Choose Lawrence Metal?

Manufactured using superior materials.
Discreet queue guidance that suits your layout and style.
Establish a physical barrier to restrict access
Maintain your aesthetic with post finishes and rope colours
Reduce queue confusion and visitor frustration
Post Types

The classic top post design is our most popular stanchion, known for its elegance and sophistication. Standing at 905mm high with a post head measuring 54mm high, this post is both sleek and stylish.

The Contemporary Post is a perfect fit for everyday environments with its modern yet understated design. Standing at 855mm tall and boasting a post head of only 20mm in height, this post won't take away from the focus on buildings or exhibits on display.

The sophisticated design of the sphere ball-top post is highly sought after by prestigious locations worldwide. Standing tall at 955mm and featuring a 120mm post head, the Sphere Post is the epitome of elegance.
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